Hi everyone!
Game Developments

We apologize for not releasing the update we talked about last wee. Unfortunately it was a lot harder to implement the new inventory in the game and we’re also a bit sick (laughs), these weather changes are killing our noses.
We promise to update this week and it should already have the new inventory and the new furniture. (smiles) The players will be in a future update. (winks)
So remember how placing the new player model went? Now check out how it looked like when we tried to make her walk!
PlayStation Awards Portugal
I think we talked about this a long time ago.. We decided to apply for the PlayStation Awards Portugal. Basically this is a competition where small game developers apply with games and have the chance of it being published for PlayStation 4. They also help with marketing and give financing to the winning team. So, what do we have to lose?
For this application we had to write a Concept Design Document, and film a trailer. Since we thought sharing the document would be boring we are going to share the video with you instead! Click here to check it out! :)
Yesterday we also had the opportunity to be a part of the Lift Off - Entrepreneurs Launch Workshop. This consists in talking to business experts, marketing, lawyers, etc.Whatever you need to open a business they were there! We found it was nutritious.

See you all next week,
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