The FAXIME Forum (forums, answers and feedback) is a friendly place to ask questions and get help from other users. These might be related to all aspects of FAXIME games under development or not. A set of forum rules and regulations have been created to ensure that everyone is treated fairly by members and administrators.
1. The following are NOT tolerated within the FAXIME FORUM;
1a. Discussions on political issues as well as grey areas including but not limited to; religion, race and sex.
1b. Spamming, including duplicate threads or posts and advertising.
1c. Abuse, threatening or discriminating behavior.
1d. The use of offensive language in any form.
1e. Discussions on pirated software or illegal activity.
1f. Trolling or off topic discussions.
1g. Hijacking threads.
1h. Posting personal information of any user.
1i. Pointless necro posting.
1j. Posting of embargoed or NDA closed alpha or beta information.
1k. Posting of confidential sales information provided by the sales team.
1l. Impersonate FAXIME staff/admin/moderator or any other community member
2. Please note that if an offense is severe enough you may be permanently banned without warning.
3. All moderator decisions are final.
4. We will not delete posts unless they are spam, abusive or threatening.
The do’s
Stay on topic – If you want to change the subject, start a new thread.
Be friendly and helpful – There is a huge array of skill level on the forum, we all started as n00bs
Search before you post – The Forums and Answers are packed full of information so there may already be a solution.
Add relevant thread titles – Please do not post a thread titled “Please help I have a problem” as it is likely to get ignored.
Good spelling and grammar – Not everyone is a native English speaker and may not understand colloquial jargon.
Be detailed – When posting about an issue include the version of the game you are using and machine or device specs.
Report Posts – Use these rules to report any violations across the FAXIME FORUM. Make sure you provide usernames and an accurate description. This is especially helpful in lengthy discussions.